Our Family Membership (Renewal) is for a Family of up to 2 Adults + up to 3 under 18s or 2 Adults who reside at the same address. Membership runs for 12 months from the date of purchase. As a member you have extra access to the site facilites outside of normal hours. Facilities you can use are:
- Loch
- Cycle Track
- Trails
- Football Pitch
- Beach Volleyball Court
For access times and general timetables for open water swimming and other activities you can find more information on our Membership page HERE
Renewal memberships do not include a Fob. If you require a replacement you can purcahse one from the office for £10.
Family Membership (Renewal)
Please ensure you read and undertstand all the terms laid out in this additional info section before confirming your payment.
Knockburn Loch / 2D Sports Limited / 2D Developments accepts no liability for personal loss and/or damage to any individual and/or their property whilst using the site for any activity. The site is used at the individuals own risk.
- Users do not have exclusive use of the loch/site, there may be other users using the site and loch. There may be times when access is restricted due to training or an event.
- To use the Access Fob at the changing rooms hold it next to the sensor, you will hear a beep and you will be granted access.
- Knockburn Loch / 2D Sports Limited / 2D Developments accepts no liability for personal loss and/or damage to any individual and/or their property whilst using the site for any activity.
- The site is not manned at all times; therefore there is no 'safety cover' for any activities. In the case of an emergency it is your responsibility to have your own access to first aid provision. If the emergency services are needed (and you do not get mobile reception) there is an emergency phone located on the North end of the Conference Centre (in the area between the changing rooms and conference centre). You will find, on the inside, the post code to the site and local contact numbers (site manager, local doctors etc.)
- Fobs MAY NOT be loaned or passed on to third parties / non-members for use. The entry system records all activity on each fob enabling us to monitor access in combination with CCTV onsite.
- Please refrain from blocking open the changing room doors as this contravenes our secure access policy.
- When you leave the changing rooms you will have to take your fob with you to get back in to the changing rooms. There is a board at the loch side for you to hang up your key fob for collection after you swim.
- SPEED LIMIT ONSITE is 10mph. This is to ensure the safety of all site users, please observe this and drive with due care and attention at all times.
- NO DOGS ALLOWED apart from guide dogs.
- Littering - there is to be no litter left onsite, please take it home with you.
- If you are to access the loch with canoes/boats you are welcome to drive down to the loch edge. Please take care when doing so and ensure your car is not blocking any access. At times access may not be possible in certain areas due to other activities taking place.
- All under 18s MUST be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
- No amplified music is allowed onsite due to the nature of the site and planning conditions.
- No own BBQ's are allowed onsite.
- Be aware that sports activities can be dangerous and that any body of water can act in sudden and unpredictable ways which may result in serious injury to those taking part in the activity.
- If required listen and abide by all safety briefs and recommendations given by the staff / team / instructors of Knockburn Loch
I hereby declare to use the site responsibly and within the Site Rules & Regulations. I understand I take complete responsibility for my own safety whilst onsite.
I, parent/guardian, take full responsibility and will supervise at all times, the named person (s) on this application.
This is the privacy policy of 2D Sports Ltd. Our business is provider of sports, recreational and conference facilities.
This privacy statement explains why and how we use any personal information we collect and how we use personal data.
Our customer’s information is kept confidential and is used solely by ourselves to fulfil the customer’s requests and requirements.
What information do we collect from you?
We collect information about you in order to complete membership forms or event booking forms which enables our customers to obtain membership and / or to book events to Knockburn Loch facilities.
The membership information includes:
Name of all users of the membership, Postal Address, Email Address and mobile or landline telephone number.
The event booking form includes:
Name and email address of contact person, Organisation name, address, email address, vat registration and company number.
How will we use the information about you?
We use this information to process your membership, supply key fobs and process all your event requirements. We also issue member newsletters which inform members about upcoming events, renewal membership dates and much more.
When do we share information?
We do not share information with third parties.
Other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website; we are not responsible for the privacy policies of any third party websites.
How long do we store your information?
We will retain your personal data within the UK, electronically and paper copy at our registered address for 7 years to comply with tax regulations as advised by HMRC, then it will be removed and destroyed.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place updates on this website.
How to contact us?
Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy. If you believe the information we process on you is incorrect, you can request to see this information and have it corrected, deleted or withdraw consent for it to be used. If you wish to raise a complaint on how your personal data is handled, you can contact:
By email: 2dsports.knockburn@gmail.com
Or write to us at: 2D Sports Ltd, Birchmoss Plant & Storage Depot, Echt, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB32 6XL.
If you are not satisfied with the response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), whose contact details are as follows:
Information Commissioner’s office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Telephone 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545745
Knockburn Loch / 2D Sports Limited \ 2D Developments does not issue refunds for Memberships.
By confirming my payment for a Membership I acknowledge that I have read and agree with the above terms set out by Knockburn Loch / 2D Sports Limited / 2D Developments.